Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Half-term: Holiday or headache?

Half term. So how was it for you? (If you're south of the border you may still be enduring the pleasure or pain of half-term. Good luck with that.)

Here at Average Towers half-term demanded juggling that was high-level even by our usual chaotic standards.  Through a complete lack of organisation and, to be honest, an almost complete lack of cash, our non-plan was that we'd take the childcare in turns.  Hubby had a delightful series of 12 hour shifts, while I clustered my work meetings into the remaining days that he was home.

As half-term approached, my workload grew along with my sense of panic. There was nothing for it: On the days that hubby was at work, I'd have to play shift worker too.  This little game involves getting up at the crack of dawn to power through a few bits and pieces before the small people demand breakfast.  And when they go to bed at night? You guessed it - back to the laptop I go.

To add an extra edge to the proceedings, by day three of the dawn 'til dusk routine I had pulled a muscle in my back. Quite how you can achieve this without any real physical exertion is a mystery. 

Stopping wasn't an option (it never really is when you're a parent), so on I slogged.  Let's dispel the myth of the glamorous life of the homeworker right now.  Imagine if you will a pyjama-clad figure  huddled over a desk with an ice pack tucked at the base of her spine, swilling tea and typing manically at 6.30am on a Saturday morning.  That's the reality.

My half-term survival station

But this post is not about me having a moan. Well, not entirely.  The fact is, after a bit of grumbling I decided to give myself a virtual kick up the bahookie (my back was still too sore to try it for real).
Here's the deal: I have a job I enjoy almost all of the time.  I work for and with some truly fun people. I am fortunate enough to be able to do a lot of my work from home.  I am even more fortunate in being able to mould the work I do around my husband's erratic shifts.  I may not have spent much time with hubby over half term but our children always had one of their parents around.
So I'm not going to moan (much).  And when I attempt to stack the dishwasher with dirty laundry? I'll tell myself that sleep is overrated anyway...

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  1. Oh dear...hope you're back us better now! Xx

    1. Think I'm on the mend now, thanks! I have a new sympathy for people with back problems though....

  2. Never easy being a working parent is it! I hope your back is on the mend and that you are having a easier time of it now x

  3. Sorry to hear about your hectic week,it can be tough being a working parent cant it. Im one too! Hope your back feels better soon and you can breathe easier again x

    1. Thanks Jess - I definitely had a TGIF moment today :-)

  4. Great post; I can relate to the chaos of working at home with small people running around. Hope your back gets better soon #PoCoLo x

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment Charlotte. It's great to know that there are others out there who relate! Without wishing to tempt fate, I think my back is on the mend too...

  5. Here's hoping that your back is feeling better and yay to having a job that fits around the family!

    1. Thanks so much Izzie, I'm feeling a lot better today and am greatly cheered by all the nice comments :-)

  6. 1/2 term sounds like it's awful for so many families! My boys are still babies and even I hate it!!! Sorry you had a tough time, hope your back is better soon! #pocolo
    Amy @2boys1mum

    1. Hi Amy - thanks for stopping by. I am resolved to have a plan in place for half-term next year.... (ha ha ha!)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have to say that I always find that half term completely throws us out of kilter! It take rather a long time to get back into the proper routine :S Thank you so much for linking to PoCoLo. Hope to see you again Friday x

    1. Hi Victoria - thanks so much for visiting and taking time to comment. Yes, it's funny how one week off leaves you feeling a month behind! PoCoLo is a great idea - I'll definitely be participating again. x
