Friday, 8 May 2015

From 'meh' to 'mmm' in 3 simple steps

This week I had one of those 'meh' days.  You know the ones. 

Nothing major had gone wrong. Truth to be told, I had no real cause for complaint. Yet there I was. One girl and her bad mood.

Now I'm one of the lucky ones in this game called life. So how to kick myself up the backside and remember that? 

No-one likes a whinger. So I tried some quick fixes for getting back on track:

1. Half hour happiness hit
Schedules permitting, take time out and do whatever makes you happy for 30 minutes. For me it was a short run in the fresh air. I didn't feel like going but boy did I feel better afterwards. I always do. Running's not for everyone, though. Go with whatever works for you - climb a hill, bake a cake, dig out your crochet, attack the garden, chill out with yoga. You know better than anyone else what makes your heart sing.

2.  Do something for someone else
Far wiser people than me have doled out this advice. They've got it spot on. Do yourself a favour by looking outwards rather than inwards.  Email that relative you've been meaning to contact, offer your neighbour a lift home, surprise the kids with their favourite tea.   They'll love you for it. And you'll feel better as a result.

3. Find yourself a theme tune
Ah, the marvels of music. Seek out a *happy song*  to lift your mood on one of *those* days. It doesn't have to be as obvious as Pharrell Williams. I go through phases, the most recent of which is 'Birdhouse In Your Soul', played at top volume. (Yup, another old age reveal.) Find a track - or several - you can't help singing along to.  Play. Loudly. On repeat if required.

And if all else fails? Read this.  I defy you not to laugh. 'At The Clothesline', I salute you.

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NB. There's a difference between temporary doldrums and depression. If you think you may be suffering from the latter, please PLEASE seek help.


  1. Great simple advice that we can all take onboard! I love the idea of a theme tune to my life :-) have a great weekend! #pocolo

    1. Thanks so much! Have a wonderful weekend too :-)

  2. Great advice there...and apologies for the very loud music that often emits from our's not ALWAYS the kids😜 xxx

    1. Haha! Nothing amiss with a 'full blast' Friday for parents ;-) x

  3. I really find that doing something nice for someone else instantly makes you feel better. And making a list of things I'm grateful for. #PoCoLo

    1. Gratitude lists are a great way of putting things in perspective - you are so right! Thanks for commenting Tarana.

  4. Some days are definitely meh! I do find music always lifts my mood - Hey Yah by Outkast is a goodie.


    1. Oooh - I love Hey Ya too! Thanks so much for stopping by :-)

  5. Good advice, sometimes we need to pick ourselves up a bit for no particular reason and these things would definitely make me feel better. #PoCoLo

    1. Aw, that's really good to hear Karen. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  6. Great advice, we all have those days sometimes but it's good to try and snap yourself out of it. xx

    1. Thanks Morgan. Really appreciate you stopping by.

  7. Thanks for sharing! It's great advice and when my mummy is feeling low she gives herself a kick up the butt! We have so much to be thankful for x #PoCoLo

    1. Indeed we do :-) Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  8. Simple, yet effective advice. I really must try all this next time I am feeling this way. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x

    1. And thank YOU for having me:-) Hope you've had a great weekend. C x

  9. Hehehe. You are right about your link. That's cheered me up right there.

    I get grumpy when I don't run. It's awful because it means I really have to keep it up. Why eating cream cakes doesn't give me the same buzz I do not know.

    1. I hear ya on the non-running/grumpiness issue! I'm truly not a nice person when I can't get out there ;-) Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

  10. Three great tips to lift your mood - would agree with all of them. Happy music always works well for me as does doing something for someone else - it is quite amazing how it lifts your focus from yourself and makes you feel better in the process.

    1. Thanks Louise! It's really nice of you to take the time to stop by and comment :-)
